Albania – Parliament

Project Description:

Project Description:

Competition for a new parliamentary complex for the republic of Albania

The aim of the project is to identify an architectural solution able to mediate, by means of a great sign between the need of functionality and the desire to express a special belonging to the past history and to contemporary.
The new assembly hall will be the representative element of this project.
Starting from the circular seating disposition, the cylinder shape is kept as the main architectural element, renouncing any other right-angled shapes.
The subtle continuous façade which embraces the new Parliament Hall, extending until it connects with the existing building, and substituting, like a second skin, the facades that look onto the main square.
The new curved façade re-models the space in front of the building, interrupting the regularity of the allotment and the building’s symmetry, and renews the present-time image of the Parliament through a project which is not hardly invasive but extremely qualifying.
On the other hand, the freer and more dynamic language used on the soft and less formal area, which winds its way along the front of the main square forming the coverage, assimilates the pre-existing building and exalts its contemporary lines.

Credits: with arch. Francesco Scardaccione
Invitation contest